CURET, Inc, is a nonprofit 501 (c)3 organization, providing services in the Hartford area since 1990. The agency is dedicated to assisting families—adults, children and youth through programs and services, which are designed to build on strengths of the individual, enhance educational experiences, and personal wellbeing of all who seek our services.
CURET is located in the Upper Albany Neighborhood of Hartford and has continually operated and gradually expanded as a multi-service agency since its incorporation in 1990—25 years of changing lives! CURET’s client base includes: Upper Albany, where 75% of the residents are considered to be in the low- to moderate-income levels; also adjoining neighborhood residents experiencing critical needs associated with poor education—some 41% of adult residents reading at the lowest literacy level; the majority being newly arrived immigrants with low skills; unemployment; lack of employment-readiness skills and access to job-training opportunities; many residents are experiencing healthcare, social, emotional, and economic hardships.
CURET's mission is to use research data (both quantitative and qualitative) as planning tools to drive effective educational practices, programs, and services aimed at improving outcomes and the overall quality of life among Hartford neighborhood residents, and thereby strengthening families and communities.
Assist families—parents and children, adults, students, individuals who are facing significant barriers to succeed and need a helping hand educationally, economically, and socially.
Assist service providers with their understanding of pertinent information about immigrants from the Caribbean in order to enhance service delivery. We offer an array of opportunities to assist service providers in offering high quality service to the diverse Caribbean immigrant populations, accessing services at educational centers, healthcare facilities, institutions, organizations, social service agencies and other outfits in their efforts to implement practices that are culturally congruent for the immigrant population, particularly for the ‘hard-to-reach’ Caribbean immigrants living in the Hartford region and who are in need of access to a wide range of programs and services.